Sunday, March 30, 2014

Announcement: Upcoming Elections

Hello Honor Society,

I have a few things to bring to your attention.

First of all, the Awards Banquet date had been changed in October due to a scheduling conflict. However, that conflict no longer exists and in order to ensure that Mrs. Janzen will be able to present the awards, we need to return to the date originally put on your schedules.


Please note this on your calendars.

Second, Mrs. Janzen is ordering the awards this week and does not have everyone's birthdate.


Please email these birthdates to her immediately at to make certain that no one misses receiving their awards.  

You will want to do this even if the student does not expect an award. Some of the awards are not announced until the ceremony.

And third, the Advisors have been discussing a change that will involve us members stepping up to the plate in a big way in the next couple of weeks.  I think that it is doable and, if you are up to it, will be a good way to end the year.  

There are several graduating seniors this year and the advisors would like to add a graduation recognition time to the Award Ceremony on May 17th.  However, that would not allow time for next year's elections to take place during that day, so we would like to move them up to the April 12th meeting.  Yes, that is in 2 weeks!

You will soon be getting officer descriptions and a form for you to fill out to let us know which positions you are interested in.  PLEASE RETURN THEM TO JARED BY THIS WED. APRIL 2nd.

By the way, YOU WANT TO RUN FOR AN OFFICER POSITION. It will greatly strengthen your college, scholarship, and work applications.  Simply belonging to a club is seen quite differently than holding an officer position because being an officer shows leadership and a willingness to serve.

If you are part of the Honor Society, you should have gotten an email with the descriptions of the different Officer positions attached. We recommend choosing around three positions to run for to increase your chances of acquiring a position.
Once you have chosen, complete the form on a following email with your name and the positions you have chosen in your preferred order.

Important Note: If you haven't yet either paid your dues for this year or received an exemption waiver from our advisors you MUST bring your payment to the meeting on April 12th or you will not be able to participate in elections.

Also, to be a member in good standing and to be allowed to participate in the elections you need to have attended at least 4 meetings (the Christmas party and the community service days count toward this). Attending on the 12th also counts as a meeting so if you have only 3 and you attend the elections, that will count as 4.

See you then!

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