Omicron Kappa Chapter
National Homeschool Honor Society
Mission Statement
Equipping high achieving home educated students for success in college, community, and career in a Christ honoring atmosphere
2017-2018 Dates
September 23rd - Regular Meeting
October 28th - Community Service Day
November 18th - Regular Meeting
January 6th - Christmas Party
February 3rd - Regular Meeting
March 10th - Community Service Day
April 7th - Regular Meeting
June 2nd - Graduation Ceremony
To pursue the following objectives to the Glory of God and the good of others:
To equip home educated students with the resources to succeed in applying for scholarships, writing resumes, and entering college, while promoting academic excellence and attaining achievement
To provide high achieving home school students with a venue for meeting and networking
To provide leadership training for officers in the chapter utilizing the business model of Robert’s Rules of Order, keeping minutes of each meeting, and marketing the chapter
Leadership Training:
Omicron Kappa values and desires Christian role models in chapter leadership. Officers will take their duties seriously as leaders. Students will be dismissed if they fail to fulfill their job descriptions.
Positions Job Descriptions
President: Oversees and conducts chapter and officer meetings, supervises the implementation of society programs and bylaws.
Vice President: Assists president in duties and acts as counsel; conducts meetings in the absence of president, supervises accountability of officer’s duties.
Secretary: Records attendance and business of meetings in a professional format, publishes these minutes, sends email updates to membership, keeps updated roster.
Treasurer: Keeps records, handles monetary transactions, suggests items for students to purchase from the national website.
New Members Coordinator: Greets new members, Assembles, establishes price and distributes chapter notebooks, communicates with prospective members.
Historian: Photo journalist for chapter, keeps records by taking photos and creating a labeled scrapbook.
Public Relations: Markets the chapter to various local home school organizations including co-op classes, Basic Skills Assessment Services, community web pages and forums, local churches and support groups, and seeks ways to recruit new members
Webmaster: Maintain website/blog: add material as needed such as dates of chapter meetings, student reviews of events, photos, and scholarship and leadership information.
Community Service Chair: Coordinate community service events with the chapter and charity organization. Keep records of attendance and encourage students to get their required 10 hours of service/year. Collect and turn in these student records to advisers at last meeting.
Ambassador: Organizes thank you notes for guest speakers, get-well cards for members, facilitates shared meal set-up, and coordinates end of the year Awards Ceremony.
Sergeant at Arms: Aids in parking, set up and tear-down, and a smooth transition between meeting and shared meal.