On This Page:
- Leadership Schools and Camps
- Leadership Developement Organizations
- Leadership Resource Links
- Resume Building
- Academic Testing
- Educational Opportunities
- Nationally Recognized Awards for hard work and volunteering
- College Scholarship Opportunities
Leadership Schools and Camps.
Homeschooling High School Mini-Course
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make
When Homeschooling High School!
Published by Lee Binz
Pro-Life Leadership Camp (Camp Joshua) sponsored by Oregon Right to Life
March 22-25 (approximately), Salem, OR, $150, only for students ages 16-21
Application Deadline: Feb.27,(approximately) Apply online at www.ortl.org
Teen Pact Oregon Leadership Week sponsored by Teen Pact National Leadership Schools
April 27-30,(approximately) Salem, OR , $209, you may be eligible for two $15 discounts, early bird for registering 60 days before the class starts and another discount for other leadership activities: see website for more info and apply online: www.teenpact.com
Once you have taken your first Teen Pact state class, you become an alumnus and qualify for many wonderful educational camps for home educated students. See website for more information.
CYIA (Christian Youth in Action) sponsored by CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) Evangelistic and Discipleship training
Pre-Training Retreat May 15, 16, (approximately)
Leadership Training School: June 13-19, (approximately) $275, deadline May 15, (approximately) see we http://www.cefpdx.org
Worldview Academy sponsored by Worldview Academy National Leadership Camps
July 26-31, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR the following session fee rates include: tuition, room and board, tour expenses, curriculum, deposit, 8x10 camp photo, T-shirt, and the Worldview Student Handbook. Student Rate: $645 per student Group Rate: 5+ Students: $595 per student Sibling Rate: $595 per student http://www.worldview.org email Rachel Stewart for more
Patrick Henry College Leadership Camps: (http://www.phc.edu/teencamps.php)
Debate Camp
Spy Camp
Generation Joshua Camp
Journalism Camp
Constitutional Law Camp
American Legion Boys State June 14-20,(approximately) University of Oregon http://www.orlegion.org
American Legion Girls State June 14-20, (approximately) Willamette University http://www.oregongirlsstate.org These are week long camps at a University only for students who have completed their junior year in high school. The camp costs (Free) ~$300 and is paid for (sponsored) by each American Legion Post after the student applies in March. Contact your local post for details.
Leadership Developement Organizations
Leadership Resource Links
Resume Building
Home education is legal in all 50 states, but it is not accredited. To build credibility for your diploma and resume, build a portfolio by documenting your achievements. This provides “outside verification” of your hard work. This practice will help keep you in equal competition with private and public students.
Start recording your activities in the following areas at 12 years old and each year update your resume noting date and year. Develop a “High School Achievement Notebook” with dividers for each of the following sections:
Academic: GPA, transcript, co-op classes you attended, name of your Home School, Academic Advisor(s), outside tutors, educational fieldtrips, camps, meetings, travels, Honor Societies, Academic Clubs: chess, math, science, art, music, etc.
Extracurricular: Sports, music groups, orchestras, plays, speech/debate clubs, art clubs, other
Leadership: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girl Scouts, 4-H, Civil Air Patrol Cadets, Alert Cadets, etc. List positions held each year.
Community Service: OMSI Teen Docent Program – STARS
Peer Court (Beaverton, Tigard, Four Cities-Gresham)
Christian Youth in Action – Child Evangelism Fellowship
Gleanings –Food for the Hungry
Free Geek Computer Recycling
Habitat for Humanity- Building Homes for needy
Pregnancy Resource Centers
Children’s Museum
Tutoring at local schools or ESL classes
Mentoring at local after school programs
KBOO Radio Station
Oregon Food Bank
Hospital volunteer programs for teens
Salvation Army Thrift Shops
Portland Adventist Thrift Shops
Portland Rescue Mission
Union Gospel Mission
St. Francis Soup Kitchen
Retirement Home Outreach – music programs, Make a friend programs, etc.
Fundraising concerts
NW Medical Missions
Pacific Crest Trail Association trail maintainance service projects
Volunteers of America
Websites to check:
Search the websites of any of the above organizations you are interested in.
Always record hours and list amount of hours served on resume. This is very important for awards you will be applying for in the future!
Work Experience: list the places you worked and jobs you held or projects you accomplished. But only list the experience you think your employer is looking for.
When applying for a job, your resume should ideally be only one page. Having an accurate record of the above items will allow you to tailor your resume to the job you are applying for and you will have the documentation to prove your record.
Scholarship Resources
CLEP Tests:
Students may not realize that CLEP tests are a form of scholarship. Each CLEP test you can take costs about $100. A 3 credit class (unless you are doing Running Start in WA) costs ~$400 at a Community College or ~$3,000 at a private college. These tests for credit can save you thousands of tuition which is a guaranteed scholarship you work for. If you need a higher score you can re-take the test every 6 months. If you work hard to prepare for the test you can usually get the passing score the first time.Academic Testing
- AP-Advanced Placement
- CLEP tests- go through a local college
- Contact College Board
Educational Opportunities
Educational Resources available to Home Educators
- HSLDA High school specialists and monthly email newsletter [Hslda.org]
Co-Op Classes
High School level classes in Portland Area:
- Basic Skills Assessment Services/New Covenant Christian Academy [www.basicskills.net]
- Kingfisher Curriculum Cove [www.kingfishercurriculum.com]
- S.W. Hills Baptist Church Co-op Home School Classes [Office@southwesthills.org]
- S.W. Bible Church Home School Classes
- FAITH in Molalla
- George Fox University science camps and classes
- Corban University music and theater camps and classes
Dual high school/college credit
- Community College Classes
- CLEP tests
- Local colleges
- Saturday Academy
- OMSI Science Camps
- Home School Science Camp
- Reed College honors/high school classes
Educational Clubs
- Chess Club
- Swim Clubs
- Soccer Clubs
- Hockey Clubs
Award Opportunities
Nationally Recognized Awards for hard work and volunteering
- Eagle Scout: Boys Scouts of America
- Gold Award: Girl Scouts of America
- Stars and Stripes Award: American Heritage Girls
- General Spaatz Award: Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program
- Junior ROTC Awards
- Congressional Award: http://www.congressionalaward.org
- Prudential Spirit of Community Awards: http://spirit.prudential.com
- President’s Volunteer Service Award: http://www.presidentialserviceawards.gov/
- National Serve and Learn Award: http://www.nationalservice.gov/about/spiritofservice/index.asp
Other Honor Society Opportunities
- Math Honor Societies
- Science Honor Societies
- Community College Honor Societies
Resume Developement Resources
College Scholarship Opportunities
Check your prospective college for their own scholarships and a list of scholarships that have benefitted their students in the past
- BestMattressReviews.com Sleep Scholarship, application deadline May 19th, 2018. [https://www.bestmattressreviews.com/sleep-scholarship/]
- ASE Scholarship, Due October 6, 2014. [http://www.aesengineers.com/
- Friends of NRA - Youth Education Summit [https://yes.nra.org/application/]
- Presidential Scholars Program [http://www2.ed.gov/programs/
Bank of America Student Leaders Program [https://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/global-impact/student-leaders.html#fbid=lj8oJsarTEY]
- All military branches give scholarships
- National Academy of American Scholars senior scholarship
- http://www.abbottandfenner.
com/scholarships.htm - www.collegescholarships.com
- www.guaranteed-scholarships.com
- www.beanactuary.org
- http://coca-colascholars.org/
- www.christianconnector.com
- CHECK local high schools’ websites, many have a PDF with dozens of scholarships that aren't necessarily for public-schooled students.